Friday, May 14, 2010

Silent Disorders

My best friend and myself started these blogs to help bring awareness to Celiac Disease. Now this blog has to do with a few of what I call the "Silent Disorders." Now these disorders can either come with Celiac Disease or can help cause it, really just depends on how you look at it or what article you read. Even sometimes what Doctor you talk to. Its like the saying "What came first the chicken or the egg?"

Now the five (5) disorders that I will talk about, four (4) of them I personal have been diagnosed with. I hope to help others with the knowledge that I have gotten not only through my research but, also through my personal experience such as physical threphy, and even some others. I would like to teach others how to live a day to day life with these disorders and that it can be done if one does try. The last one is very close to me as I have lost two (2) very close family members to this disease.

I hope to help teach others that with eating right a Gluten Free witch is what is need with Celiac Disease. That one you can control these disorders, and two eating healthier can help you live a better life and maybe a little longer.

OK so here is the list and yes I will tell you if I have the disorder
1. Migraines- Yes
2. Vertigo- Yes
3. Gall Ballder Disease- I had to have mine removed
4. Brian Damage- Yes
5. Cancer- My Grandmother and Grandfather

Please feel free to leave comments or ask me any questions or even if you have an idea that I did not touch on that you feel is a way to help with one of the disorders please feel free to share. That is why I started this to help people and to educate others.